Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Services

Plan and test your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans to prepare your organisation for any emergency situation.

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning and Testing

Planning and testing DRP & BCP is essential for ensuring that an organisation is prepared for potential disruptions. Identifying risks and developing strategies to mitigate their impact reduces negative outcomes and increases resilience. All organisations that deal with confidential information or maintain critical systems should uplift their information security policies. This includes small, medium, and large enterprises, government departments, non-profit organisations, and any other type of organisation.
The programmer girl works at the computer

How it Works

Holocron Cyber employs experienced security consultants to facilitate the delivery of the ISO27001 gap assessment. The methodology involves several phases, as outlined below:

Cyber Security Services

Phase 1: Policy Development

Holocron consultants will conduct a thorough evaluation of the organisation, covering its infrastructure, policies, existing processes, and information security requirements. Upon completion, the consultants will develop a comprehensive DRP and BCP tailored to the needs of the organisation.


Phase 2: Tabletop Exercise

A tabletop exercise is conducted to respond to a potential cyber threat. This typically involves a selection of key stakeholders who participate in a discussion to address the simulated event. Post-exercise, the Holocron consultants will facilitate a debrief workshop to review any outcomes and remediation points.

Cyber Security Services

Phase 3: Crisis Simulation

Holocron consultants work with the organisation to perform a crisis simulation to evaluate the effectiveness of the DRP and BCP. Unlike a full-scale test designed to bring down all systems, the simulation is conducted in a controlled and isolated manner, where each system is tested individually.

Document Review

Phase 4: (Optional) Review & Maintain

Holocron can optionally be onboarded to annually review and maintain the DRP & BCP to ensure they remain relevant to the organisation’s changing threat landscape and regulatory requirements.


What is a Tabletop Exercise?

A tabletop exercise is a type of emergency preparedness and response simulation that involves a group of stakeholders discussing and planning how they would respond to a hypothetical emergency situation.

This type of exercise is conducted around a table, with participants playing out their roles and explaining the steps they would take in the given scenario. The focus of a tabletop exercise is on communication, coordination, and decision-making, rather than performing physical drills.

What is a Crisis Simulation?

A crisis simulation is a controlled and simulated scenario designed to test an organisation’s ability to respond to a crisis or emergency situation. It is typically conducted by a team of experts who with the organisation to create a realist simulation that mimics a real-life crisis event.

The goal of a crisis simulation is to assess the organisation’s emergency response plans and procedures, identify any potential gaps or weaknesses, and improve overall preparedness.

Programmers Working On Software In Office

What is a DRP & BCP?

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning

Disaster Recovery Plan

A DRP is a documented process for responding to and recovering from disruptive incidents such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, and other unexpected events. The aim of a DRP is to minimise the impact of a disaster and ensure that critical business processes and systems can be restored with minimal downtime. The plan typically includes procedures for backing up data, testing, and communicating with stakeholders during and after a disaster.

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Plan

A BCP is a comprehensive plan that outlines how an organisation will maintain essential functions during and after a disruptive incident. A BCP typically includes procedures for identifying and assessing risks, developing mitigation strategies, and ensuring that only the necessary resources and processes are in place to continue business operations. It covers domains such as crisis management, communication, data backup and recovery, and alternate site arrangements (if applicable).

The Benefits for Your Organisation

Risk Reduction

By identifying potential disasters and creating plans to mitigate their impact, organisations can significantly reduce the risk of negative outcomes.

Increased Preparedness

Implementing and testing DRP & BCP increases an organisation’s ability to handle any potential disruptions.

Improved Response Time

With a pre-determined plan, responses to a disaster are quicker and more efficient, reducing the length of the disruption and minimising damage.

Increased Confidence

By knowing a tested plan is in place, employees and stakeholders have increased confidence in the ability of their organisation to handle a crisis.

Improved Business Continuity

Organisations can maintain a competitive advantage and protect their reputation by ensuring that critical business processes can continue in the event of a disaster.

Cost Savings

Proactive planning and testing helps an organisation avoid costly downtime and potential data loss, and minimises expensive recovery efforts.


For organisations in regulated industries, implementing a DRP & BCP may be a requirement for compliance with industry regulations.

The Risks of Not Preparing for Emergency Situations

Data Loss & Downtime

Without an DRP or BCP, organisations may be at risk of losing critical data and information in the event of a disaster and may experience extended downtime, incurring significant financial and reputational consequences.


A lack of DRP & BCP can lead to descreased confidence among employees, customers, and other stakeholders.


Organisations that are subject to legal and regulatory requirements may face penalties and legal action if they are unable to demonstrate that they have taken adequate measures to protect their data and systems.

Increased Cost

Organisations may be forced to expend significant resources in an effort to recover from a disaster without a plan, which can result in increased costs.

Competitive Disadvantage

Organisations that are not prepared for disasters may be at a competitive disadvantage compared to those that have taken steps to mitigate the impact of disruptive incidents.

Talk to a cyber security expert today and secure your systems & data

Talk to one of our leading cyber security experts today, about how we can help you mitigate threats and safeguard your business.

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